Do You Write to Make Money or Make Money to Write?
Everyone wants to know how much money they can make online and people have become obsessed with how much money I make. This is weird to me, as I don’t sell any Internet marketing courses, nor do I...
View Article37 Thoughts on (Not) Wasting Your 20s
37 Thoughts on (Not) Wasting Your 20s Baby Boomers have sold you a lie. Fifty is not the new thirty and thirty is not the new twenty. Twenty is twenty and your twenties are a magical,...
View ArticleHow I Lost Over $100,000 on the Internet
I started Danger & Play as a hobby. A lawyer who enjoyed writing, I’d vent my spleen a little bit before going back to work. I never got into the online stuff and knew zip about making money...
View ArticleMoney Is…
Money is what you value. Show me how you spend your time and your money and you’ve revealed your soul to me. Nothing else you say matters. Money is revealed preferences. Why do I use Amazon affiliate...
View ArticleShould You Quit Your Job to Work Online?
While living and working online is a joy for me, few people who work online tell you the full story. I work harder online than I ever worked at any other job. I’ve dealt with countless unforeseen...
View ArticleThese Five Words Will Change Your Life
To get what you want out of life, you must get more out of yourself and out of other people. To improve your relationships, build your business, or even keep your job, imagine the person you want...
View ArticleHow to Write a How To Article
Millions of people have read my websites, and I earn my living from the comfort of any city my heart desires. I also sell more books than 90% of authors. In this article I’ll show you how to get one...
View ArticleHow to Make Better Use of Your Money
Overheard at the cafe, “I found an ATM, but I had to take out $50. That really sucked.” At first I was confused…then it hit me. I remember when I’d check my account balance online before making a...
View ArticleHow to Live a Great Life Even if You Have Money Problems
I know what it’s like to be the poorest kid in class, to wear the same clothes every day, and to wonder if the car will start. No matter how many digits appear in my bank account, my heart will always...
View Article20 Health Habits for Men in their 20s, by AJA_Cortes
20 Health Habits for Men in their 20s By Alexander Juan Antonio Cortes Time is infinite, our lives are not. Your twenties can the foundation for your health throughout the years, or they can be...
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